Why I Post

So I didn't think that anybody actually read this, so I haven't made a post or even looked at it my self in quite some time.  Kelsey, my sister tells me the other day, "I didn't know you have a blog,"  and then, "you don't update it much."  So I suppose that at least one person has looked at it, so I thought I would do an update.  Then I logged in and saw that there are two people that follow my blog and there was actually a comment on my last post.  Thus I am posting again and am planning on doing more of it.  Kelsey also asked me, "how am I supposed to keep up with what you are up to?"  so, Kelsey, don't worry, I'm here!

Shooting for the Stars

Some have called me a dreamer but I like to set high goals for myself.  

Some say there are things on their "bucket list" which they want to achieve before they die.  I find it really hard to plan out such goals because there is no certain dead line, no pun intended by the way.  By I have laid some things out that I would like to achieve before 2013 and 2020.  It's not exactly set in stone, just on my white board.

1. Get married
2. Buy a new car
3. Graduate Institute 
4. Earn a BS degree

1. Obtain a Law degree
2. Run a Marathon
3. Learn 7 Languages
4. Buy a house

My dad always said that to shoot for the stars and land in the trees is better then to shoot for the trees and land in the dirt.   I hope i don't let him down.  One concern that many who know me may point to is that I have been known to flip flop on what I want "to be when I grow up."  I have set my sights on all the typical childhood dreams of sports, fame and fortune, marian biology, astronomy, teaching, music and the list could go on and on.

But I am setting the goal, and like I said, it's not set in stone.  I am willing to change, but I wish to achieve greatness in life.  I don't want to just stand on the shoulders of giants, I want to be one of them.  I don't want to just learn of history, I want to make it.  I want to look back in my old age and say, "my oh my, look what this old dog once did."

Back in Action

I have just arrived home from the Philippines where I served two years as a full time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Upon return i quickly learned that I am behind the times when it comes to online communication.  Everyone I know and their mother now has a 'face book' and we seam to be raising a generation that knows more about 'windows' then the average carpenter.  

There for in an attempt to play some catch up I have created this blog among other projects.  My brother Kyle has recently graduated from San Jose State University with a journalism degree or something like that.  He is an avid blogger.  I'm just a little guy trying to make my space in cyberspace.