The Letter Queue

For a briefe moment I had another blogger blog called "The Letter Queue" where I was going to write my poems. For anyone who noticed it while it existed (probably only Kelsey) it has died.

But don't you fret. I created a blog by the same name though Wordpress. I hear Wordpress is all the rage or something. So check it out!

I'm Still Alive

It's been over a year since I posted.

Before i was married I practically lived online. I was on Facebook like every HOUR. Now I'm doing good if i check it once a day, and on my iPhone, for just a few minutes. I don't know if this is a sign that I'm out of touch with the world, or if I have more of a life now. Either way it's strange to me.

I guess part of it was I was in a singles ward, looking for someone to spend my life with, and now I have her, so I don't find so much a need to have a huge social life. I used to look for people to add as my friend on Facebook, now my friend list grows only because I accept anyone who requests me.

But I'm thinking that I don't want to loose touch with the world at large. I think it's about time to start doing more online socializing. Starting with this blog post. I'll try to update here at least monthly. Maybe I'll even update my Facebook status more than once a month!

AND I've started wring poetry. I only show it to Toni, because I know she will love me no matter what. But i think I'll post some of it online to get greater feedback.

Now I say all this now, But check back in a year and see if I actually do any better in 2011 than I did in 2010.