In Sickness and in Health

There comes a time in every man’s life that they realize that they are mortal. (That's why we put the goblet with the poison farther away from ourselves.)  This week I had another reminder that I too am mortal. (I know, shocking)

 I have always prided myself with being the healthy one in the family, even if I do have a weak stomach.  Going through school I stayed home sick much less than my brothers and sisters.  But this week I was quite sick.  Monday and Tuesday I went to bed with a sore throat, but otherwise I felt fine.  Wednesday I woke up with a sore throat and began to feel pretty sick as the day went on.  My mom told me not to go to institute that night.  And we ALL know that Mom knows best, but I went anyway and it proved disastrous!  I had to leave in the middle of class and it was not pretty!

 That night and the following day were no fun at all.  But I finally took enough Imodium to stop my LBM.  I stayed home Thursday from school and Friday from work.  I have been slowly getting better since.  Saturday through today I have just felt like I have a bad cold, and my voice is finally coming back!

 Oh, wait...I lied!  I did manage to have some fun in my sick days.  Toni and I were able to check some things off out "to-do-list.”  We watched "Music and Lyrics," played Guitar Hero, got ice cream and unicycled.  Toni's mom is quite the unicycler if I do say so myself.  Saturday day was an amazing day!  For one, I started to feel better that day.  I got out of the house to clean the church and even made it to the institute for broom hockey, but that to proved fatal.  I managed to cut open my thumb, the left one, pretty deep.  It bled a lot, but I lived!  Then Toni and I headed over to her place for unicycle mania!  It was great.  It was so fun to see her mom ride and Toni wasn't bad either, and I got to show off some of my skills.  We then went to dinner, picked up the movie and watched "Music and Lyrics" at my house.  It was FUN FUN FUN  :)


Toni Lynn said...

I was going to say something, and now I forgot what it was, so I have to click the back button to re-read whatever it is that is going to trigger my memory. Oh! No, I remember what it was. We actually checked off EVERYTHING on our to-do list, and had to create a whole new one :)
PS - You better watch yourself because, knowing my mom, she IS going to get a unicycle and I will practice practice practice! Then you won't be the only cool kid in town. Yeah!

Kelsey said...

Hey, I know how to unicycle. Am I one of the cool kids in town?

Brandon P. Hansen said...

Toni: we did do everything on the first list, but we aren't doing so well on the second...
kelsey: yes, you are one of the "cool kids" but i haven't seen you get up on a unicycle in it's getting questionable

Toni Lynn said...

maybe we would do better on the second if a certain someone did their homework on time :)