I had been unemployed for some time when finally things were looking up for me. Now I am lucky to have two, yes thats right two, jobs. I have one that i work a whopping 9 hours a week at $8.50/hr and another that started out great with about 15 hours a week at $15/hr, but not only am I now lucky to work 5 hours a week at that one, it has been so flakey on me it irritates me to no end. I showed up to work one day, (its a door to door job, we go out in groups,) no body was there. I called my manager and his reply was that we were going to go out on Tuesdays now instead of Mondays, but did anyone ask me about this or tell me ahead of time? NO! And than I showed up the other day right on time, just to get a text to meet at another place, I started on my way, but they gave me waray klaro (not clear) directions and I ended up just going home. And to top it off, I can never know when I am going to work until the day of, and even then they change it last minuet and I never get the pay check when they tell me I should be getting it and my last one they spelled my name wrong....very professional don't you think?
The last month or so I have been having some interesting health concerns and doctor visits. I have seen two doctors, had blood taken twice, have an appointment with radiology on Monday, going to have blood taken in another month and am very unclear about where this is all going.
There is a few other things I am feel VERY frustrated about but I will now write about them here. I can't find a way to write about it without making myself look stupid or making it sound like I am upset with people that I am not.
On the half full side, I have the most AMAZING girlfriend EVER!
Thank you for listening to me complain.