Thoughts of Today

This is a big month for me.  July of last year I came home from my mission.  It feels like so long ago and yet just yesterday.....time is playing tricks on my.

This last February I went on a date with Toni Lynn Balmer for the first time.  It was a blast.  We went out to dinner and to the Big Band Dance at Pioneer High School.  It was a great evening.  Over the following weeks we hung out a lot and went on a few more dates.  Our second date was to KFC!   On the 6th of March, four months ago today, we were at Olin and Jentry's wedding reception.  People kept asking us how long we were dating, or even just asking if we were.  We had not yet had the DTR to be "official" so we figured it was a good time.  We figure that is when we "officialized" and starting making our relationship more legit and public.  

It has been a marvelous four months...and the last year has had it's ups and down, but all in all it has been wonderful, the best year of my life.