Funny story: I was texting the whole way down to San Diego. Just as we were almost to our hotel my phone started acting up. The predictive text was no longer predicting text, or so it seamed. I soon realized that it was texting in SPANISH!!!! It had switched languages on me and I couldn't figure out how to switch it back. So to this day it is still in spanish, adding yet another reason to why I plan to get a new phone.
The wedding was beautiful! Olin and Jentry are so perfect for each other. The San Diego Temple is as beautiful as everyone says, even if it is a little noisy, (being that it is right on the high way.)
I have been home from my mission for almost 8 months and in this time I have had one sibling and three cousins get married. I myself have probably put in too much thought about what my wedding is going to bee like and have often asked myself, "When is my turn?"
The trip all in all was fun. Rachel and I spent a little time at the beach. We all went to the Wild Animal Park and got attached by wolverines. Kyle and Suzane went, as did Kelsey and Sam, so our family was all together. In all it was was a very enjoyable trip.
So i don't like reading really long posts so I am going to end this one, but there will be more to come about the last week, don't you worry!