My Magnificent Obsession

Bowling has begun to obsess me!  For work I had to watch "The Magnificent Obsession."  It was a great movie and although the obsession spoken of in the movie to to help others, and bowling may not be as noble an obsession, I do think it a truly "magnificent obsession."  I am not sure how it started, I think it may have been with grandma getting a Wii for Christmas, but I am now addicted to bowling in all forms.  Meaning to say Wii bowling, Buddy Bowling, lawn bowling, ibowl on Toni's iPhone...I wast way too much time on it all.  My scores vary depending on the type of bowling.  The important thing is that I enjoy it!  I am down with a good challenge, (I am not too sore a looser.)  

Oh yeah, and I even enjoy going to the bowling ally every once in a while.  The other day I went to Cambrian Bowling Center with a bunch of buddies.  It was a blast!  It is fun to give each other a bad time and pointers and act like we are all pros...and than look over at the lane next to us and see the old guys bowling all strikes.  Once I had people over to play Wii bowling.  I was on and off the bowling lane, AKA grandma's TV, from 3pm to around 11pm.  My arm was sore for a few days after that one.

I think it fair to say it's an obsession.  I think it healthy to have a few obsessions in your life, as long as you keep a balance between them.  To me it is magnificent, to another it may be a total wast of time.

Cheek out my new gadget at the bottom of the page, you can bowl right here! :)


Toni Lynn said...

I can vouch for the fact that you're not too sore of a loser, seeing as you tend to lose when I'm there! =)

One of those old guys kept giving me high fives when I got spares. I didn't know if I should have been creeped out or not...


Toni Lynn said...

I officially do not know how to bowl on your blog =(