What's my major?

It is natural for people to ask me about what I am studying and what not.  After all I am 21, in my first year of college at De Anza and probably appear as a fairly grounded person.  I get asked on a very regular basis what my major is. 

I never wanted to be one of those who are always flip flopping majors.  You know, those kids that have a new major every semester.  And than there are those that get a degree in some crazy subject that they love to study but have know idea what they are going to do with, or are not going to enjoy what they can do with the degree.

I have been a fan of deciding what I want to do and than working on a degree that will allow me to get there. 

The problem is that the more and more classes I take and the more I explore opportunity the more I realize how wide the range of my interests are.  Three months ago I was thinking that I would go for a Business Administration degree, to go into international business.  Than as I learned more about industry and business through work I have been growing more interested in perusing a degree in an engineering field, like electrical engineering.  Than as I got into my current classes (English 2, Econ 1, and Cultural Anthropology) I realize that I love critical thinking, expressing my ideas/opinions and working in groups, and I love public speaking.   So now I am going back and forth between wanting an engineering degree or a public relations degree...in short now I am "one of those."


Suzanne C Hansen said...

No worries. . . some of us who love our jobs and are very good at them didn't start in anything related to our jobs. I was an outdoor recreation and land management major. . . was almost ready to graduate when I switched to nursing!!! Keep it in your prayers and the Lord will guide you to take classes that you will need to do His work in the future!! Trust Him, and though it may take longer than you plan, His plan for you will make you happier than you ever imagined you could be!!

Allison said...

I've learned something from my own experiences. I am interested in a ton of different things and every time I learn about something new I get really interested in that...and thus have the same problem you are talking about. Since I love so many different things, I may not love one thing more than another which really makes things difficult. When I was finally able to narrow things down, I had the hardest time deciding between Hospitality Management, Recreational Therapy, or Public Relations. I honestly don't remember how I finally made the decision to do Rec Therapy except that I thought I might be able to help more people with it and it might be the most conducive for me when I want to become a Mom, but mainly what I realized was is that I can be happy in a lot of things. If I decided to do PR, I would love it and be happy. If I decided to work in Hospitality, I would love it and be happy. Maybe you're a lot like that. Maybe you could pick any of these thing and ultimately love it and be happy. Maybe you don't have to worry so much about picking a major right now and just enjoy all the cool things you're learning in all you're other classes. And maybe, just maybe it's been too long since I blogged because I'm getting very long winded! Anyway, good luck with figuring it all out.